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  66. <div class="item-title item-inner wow fadeInUp" data-wow-duration="1s" data-wow-delay="1s">上居-未来人居预制系统
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  72. <li class="wow fadeInDown" data-wow-duration="1s" data-wow-delay="1.2s"><img class="future-icon" src="" />
  73. <p>海量数据</p>
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  75. <li class="wow fadeInDown" data-wow-duration="1s" data-wow-delay="1.4s"><img class="future-icon" src="" />
  76. <p>精准定位</p>
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  78. <li class="wow fadeInDown" data-wow-duration="1s" data-wow-delay="1.6s"><img class="future-icon" src="" />
  79. <p>交叉验证</p>
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  84. <div id="parts8" class="project-item-detail">
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  87. <div class="words1 wow fadeInLeft" data-wow-duration="1s" data-wow-delay="0.5s">01</div>
  88. <div class="words2 wow fadeInRight" data-wow-duration="1s" data-wow-delay="0.5s"><strong>上居柔性开发</strong><br/>ELAB通过独立研发线上交互技术<br/>获得海量、精准、真实、未来的市场数据、客户行为数据等热数据,<br/>辅以ELAB自主的ECS产品创新原型库,完成未来人居开发。</div>
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  92. <img class="inner-icon wow fadeIn" data-wow-duration="1s" data-wow-delay="0.5s" src="images/do/4_objects@2x_1.png" />
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  94. <div><img class="parts9-icon" src="" /></div>
  95. <div>市场研究及产品定位<small>Market Research and Product Positioning</small></div>
  96. </div>
  97. <div id="innerItem2" class="inner-item wow fadeInTopRight" data-wow-duration="1s" data-wow-delay="1s">
  98. <div>输出概念产品方案<span class="small-line"></span>及创新产品原型<small>Conceptual Product Solutions &<br/>Innovation Product Prototypes</small></div>
  99. <div><img class="parts9-icon" src="" /></div>
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  102. <div><img class="parts9-icon" src="" /></div>
  103. <div>输出概念总图<span class="small-line"></span>及经济测算<small>Conceptual General Plan &<br/>Economic Calculation</small></div>
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  105. <div id="innerItem4" class="inner-item wow fadeInBottomRight" data-wow-duration="1s" data-wow-delay="1s">
  106. <div>线上交互热度定型<small>Online Interaction Heat Detection</small></div>
  107. <div><img class="parts9-icon" src="" /></div>
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  112. 柔性开发系统解决方案<br/>路径vs价值模式
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  118. <div class="words1 wow fadeInLeft" data-wow-duration="1s" data-wow-delay="0.5s">02</div>
  119. <div class="words2 wow fadeInRight" data-wow-duration="1s" data-wow-delay="0.5s"><strong>产品详情</strong><br/>从源头解决创新开发风险,最专业的未来人居需求探索,模块化的创新产品原型库,<br/>最顶尖的设计师资源,帮助开发商实现规模化预制开发。</div>
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  126. <small>CNC</small><br/><strong>未来人居实验室</strong><br/><br/><span>专注未来人居需求探索,结合20年地产开发经验,以及自主研发的互联网交互技术,将海量、精准、真实、未来的热数据分析转化,探究未来人居的无限可能。</span>
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  132. <small>ECS</small><br/><strong>创新产品原型库</strong><br/><br/><span>包含最权威、最前沿、最未来的创新产品原型,基于互联网技术,将产品设计模块化,结合项目特质及客户需求,迅速转化为产品设计概念方案,提升效率。</span>
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  138. <small>ZHJ</small><br/><strong>著匠全球设计师</strong><br/><br/><span>集结全球顶尖设计师资源,众智众包,共同开发未来人居产品。</span>
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