class Sql: # 获取项目的城市信息 sql_1 = """ select IFNULL(brand_id, -1), house_id, house_name, city from d_house a """ # 根据任务id获取推送客户信息 sql_2 = """ select a.task_key, b.customer_type,, b.mail, b.house_or_region, a.customer_id, GROUP_CONCAT(c.house_or_brand_id) as ids from report_task_info a left join report_push_customer_info b on = a.customer_id left join report_customer_authority_info c on = c.customer_id where a.task_key = %s and a.status = b.status = c.status = 1 group by a.task_key, b.customer_type,, b.mail, b.house_or_region, a.customer_id """ # 1:总浏览量 # # 集团部分+项目部分!!! # ----项目PV--权限项目范围内,求和 # 参数:时间区间 和 项目列表 sql_3 = """ SELECT SUM(pv) AS pv1 FROM a_idfa_behavior_sum WHERE report_d >= %s and report_d <= %s AND house_id IN %s """ # ----集团PV--权限项目范围内,求和 # 参数:数据区间和项目列表 sql_4 = """ SELECT SUM(pv) AS pav2 FROM a_behavior_brand_mini_day WHERE report_d >= %s and report_d <= %s AND house_id IN %s """ # 2:总浏览人数 # # 参数,数据区间, 项目列表 sql_5 = """ SELECT count( DISTINCT IFNULL(mobile, user_id) ) as people FROM ( SELECT A.user_id, FROM a_idfa_behavior_sum A LEFT JOIN d_user B ON A.user_id = B.user_id WHERE A.report_d >= %s and A.report_d <= %s AND A.house_id IN %s UNION SELECT A.brand_user_id AS user_id, FROM a_behavior_brand_mini_day A LEFT JOIN a_brand_app_customer B ON A.brand_user_id = B.brand_customer_id WHERE A.report_d >= %s and A.report_d <= %s AND A.house_id IN %s ) t1 """ # 3:新增获客 sql_6 = """ SELECT count( DISTINCT IFNULL(mobile, user_id) ) FROM ( SELECT user_id, mobile, created FROM d_user WHERE created >= %s AND created <= %s AND house_id IN %s AND source ='3' UNION SELECT brand_customer_id AS user_id, mobile, rlat_created FROM a_brand_app_customer_house_rlat WHERE rlat_created >= %s AND rlat_created <= %s AND rlat_house_id IN %s AND cust_house_flag ='1' ) t1 """ # 4:新增获电 sql_7 = """ SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT mobile) FROM ( SELECT user_id, mobile, wx_phone_time AS created FROM d_user WHERE wx_phone_time >= %s AND wx_phone_time <= %s AND house_id IN %s and source = '3' UNION SELECT brand_customer_id, mobile, houdian_time AS created FROM ( SELECT *, CASE WHEN rlat_created > shouquan_time THEN rlat_created ELSE shouquan_time END AS houdian_time FROM a_brand_app_customer_house_rlat WHERE mobile IS NOT NULL AND rlat_house_id IN %s AND cust_house_flag = '1' ) t1 WHERE houdian_time >= %s AND houdian_time <= %s ) t1 """ # hosue_id, type, count sql_8 = """ select house_id, type, COUNT(DISTINCT customer_mobile) from f_dm_jianye_allagent_day where report_d >= %s and report_d <= %s group by house_id, type """ sql_9 = """ SELECT house_id, visit_new_uv_dtd FROM a_brand_customer_share_dtd where brand_id ='13' and report_d >= %s and report_d <= %s order by report_d """ sql_10 = """ select type, COUNT(DISTINCT customer_mobile) from f_dm_jianye_allagent_day where report_d >= %s and report_d <= %s group by type """ sql_11 = """" select a.house_or_region, min(b.house_or_brand_id), sum( from report_push_customer_info a left join report_customer_authority_info b on = b.customer_id group by house_or_region """ sql_12 = """ insert into report_push_log(name, mail, report_name, push_time, send_status, status, error_message) values(%s, %s, %s, now(), %s, 1, %s) """ sql_13 = """ SELECT x.brand_id, x.house_id, x.house_name, ifnull(x.pv, 0), x.uv, x.new_cust, x.shouquan_cust FROM ( SELECT c.pv, c.uv, a.brand_id, a.house_id, a.house_name, a.brand_name, ifnull(b.house_layout_num, 0) house_layout_num, ifnull(d.launch_time, '--') launch_time, c.new_cust, c.shouquan_cust, c.revisit_cust FROM ( SELECT brand_id, ifnull(house_id, '0') house_id, sum(pv) pv, count(DISTINCT brand_user_id) uv, count( DISTINCT CASE WHEN is_new_user = 1 THEN brand_user_id END ) new_cust, count( DISTINCT CASE WHEN is_shouquan_user = 1 THEN brand_user_id END ) shouquan_cust, count( DISTINCT CASE WHEN is_new_user = 0 THEN brand_user_id END ) revisit_cust FROM a_behavior_brand_mini_day WHERE report_d >= %s AND report_d <= %s GROUP BY brand_id, ifnull(house_id, '0') ) c LEFT JOIN ( SELECT house_id, count(1) house_layout_num FROM d_content_layout WHERE `status` = '1' AND house_id <> 1 GROUP BY house_id UNION ALL SELECT bb.brand_id house_id, count(1) house_layout_num FROM d_content_layout aa JOIN d_house bb ON aa.house_id = bb.house_id WHERE aa.`status` = '1' AND bb. STATUS = '1' AND aa.house_id <> 1 GROUP BY bb.brand_id ) b ON c.house_id = b.house_id JOIN d_house a ON a.house_id = c.house_id AND a.brand_id = c.brand_id LEFT JOIN d_house_attr d ON c.house_id = d.house_id AND c.brand_id = d.brand_id ) x """ sql_14 = """ select , a.`name`, a.mail, a.customer_type, a.house_or_region, GROUP_CONCAT(b.house_or_brand_id) from report_push_customer_info a left join report_customer_authority_info b on = b.customer_id where = %s and a.status = 1 and b.status = 1 group by , a.`name`, a.mail, a.customer_type, a.house_or_region """ if __name__ == '__main__': print(len('222'))