from mysql_db import MysqlDB from excel_util import ExcelUtil import time from entity import PeopleInfo class Mvp: """ ce mvp 答题数据统计 城市特例 北京市,上海市, 重庆市,天津市 """ age_dict = { '00-04年生': '95后', '05-09年生': '05后', '50-59年生': '50后', '60-69年生': '60后', '70-74年生': '70后', '75-79年生': '75后', '80-84年生': '80后', '85-89年生': '85后', '90-94年生': '85后', '95-99年生': '95后' } age_list = ['85后', '95后'] city_list = ['上海市', '上海周边'] tag_table = { '用户画像-审美偏好': ['mvp_crowd_info_aesthetic_preference', 'aesthetic_preference'], '用户画像-行为兴趣': ['mvp_crowd_info_behavior', 'behavioral_interest'], '用户画像-观念': ['mvp_crowd_info_consumer_concept', 'consumer_concept'], '用户画像-社交模式': ['mvp_crowd_info_social_mode', 'social_module'], '用户画像-行业': ['mvp_crowd_info_trade', 'trade'], '用户画像-出行方式': ['mvp_crowd_info_trip_mode', 'trip_mode'], '空间需求图谱-色相': ['mvp_innovate_space_color_prefer', 'color'], '空间需求图谱-精装关注点': ['mvp_innovate_space_hardcover_focus', 'hardcover_focus'], '空间需求图谱-色调': ['mvp_innovate_space_hue_prefer', 'hue'], '空间需求图谱-单品偏好': ['mvp_innovate_space_item_preference', 'item_preference'], '空间需求图谱-材质': ['mvp_innovate_space_material_prefer', 'material'], '空间需求图谱-空间特性偏好': ['mvp_innovate_space_space_prefer', 'space_preference'], '模块分数': ['mvp_crowd_info_module', 'module_name'] } crowd_info_1 = { '1973': 'A', '1974': 'B', '1975': 'C', '1976': 'D', '1977': 'E', '1978': 'F', '1979': 'G', '1813': 'A', '1814': 'B', '1815': 'C', '1816': 'D', '1817': 'E', '1818': 'F', '1819': 'G' } base_insert_sql = 'insert into {}(crowd_info_id, {}, standard_value, status) values(%s, %s, %s, ' \ '1) ' def get_table_name(self, name): """ 获取表名 :param name: :return: """ params = self.tag_table.get(name) if params: return self.tag_table.get(name)[0] def get_insert_sql(self, tag_type_name): """ 根据标签分类名称获取相应表的插入sql :param tag_type_name: :return: """ params = self.tag_table.get(tag_type_name) if params: return self.base_insert_sql.format(params[0], params[1]) crowd = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'] # 获取答题记录中城市列表 sql_1 = 'select city from f_t_daren_score_2 group by city' # 获取父选项和父题id sql_2 = 'select, a.content,, from bq_option a left join bq_question b on a.question_id = ' \ 'where a.serial_number = %s and b.serial_number = %s and a.status = b.status = 1 ' # 获取答题人的年龄段集合 sql_4 = 'select nld from f_t_daren_score_2 group by nld' # 根据城市,年龄段,人群分类统计答题记录数 sql_5 = 'select testcase_id, COUNT(DISTINCT uuid) from f_t_daren_score_2 where uuid in %s group by testcase_id ' # 根据父选项获取子选项id列表 sql_6 = ''' SELECT, c.sub_question_id, c.content FROM bq_sub_option c WHERE c.father_id IN ( SELECT FROM bq_option a LEFT JOIN bq_question b ON a.question_id = WHERE a.serial_number = % s AND b.serial_number = % s AND a. STATUS = 1 AND b. STATUS = 1 ) AND c. STATUS = 1 ''' # 根据子题id获取包含子题id的测试 sql_7 = 'select id from bq_testcase where status = 1 and FIND_IN_SET(%s, question_ids)' # 根据子选项id统计答题数 sql_8 = ''' SELECT count(1) FROM f_t_daren_score_2 a LEFT JOIN d_shangju_tiku_02 b ON a.sub_question_id = b.sub_question_id AND ( a.score = b.score OR a.score = b.sub_option_id ) AND a.testcase_id = b.testcase_id WHERE b.sub_option_id IN % s AND a.uuid IN % s ''' # 获取一个uuid下答题的子选项id列表 sql_10 = 'select DISTINCT uuid, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT b.sub_option_id) from f_t_daren_score_2 a left join ' \ 'd_shangju_tiku_02 b on a.sub_question_id = b.sub_question_id and (a.score = b.score or a.score = ' \ 'b.sub_option_id) where a.status = ' \ 'b.status = 1 group by uuid ' # 向表mvp_crowd_info插入数据 sql_11 = 'insert into mvp_crowd_info(age_area, city_name, crowd_type, status) values(%s, %s, %s, 1)' # 向表mvp_crowd_info_behavior中插入数据 sql_12 = 'insert into mvp_crowd_info_behavior(crowd_info_id, behavioral_interest, standard_value, status) values(' \ '%s, %s, ' \ '%s, 1) ' # 向表mvp_crowd_info_module中插入数据 sql_13 = 'insert into mvp_crowd_info_module(crowd_info_id, module_name, standard_value, status) values (%s, %s, ' \ '%s, 1) ' sql_14 = 'select, a.age_area, a.city_name, a.crowd_type from mvp_crowd_info a where a.status = 1' # 获取答题城市信息from city sql_15 = ''' SELECT a.uuid, IFNULL(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT, a.province), 00) AS city, IFNULL(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT a.nld), 00) AS nld, IFNULL(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT, 00) AS sex, IFNULL(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT b.sub_option_id), 00) as sub_option_ids, IFNULL(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT a.testcase_id), 00) as testcase_ids FROM f_t_daren_score_2 a LEFT JOIN d_shangju_tiku_02 b ON a.testcase_id = b.testcase_id WHERE a.testcase_id = b.testcase_id AND a.sub_question_id = b.sub_question_id AND ( a.score = b.score OR a.score = b.sub_option_id ) GROUP BY a.uuid ''' # 根据用户uuid获取城市信息 sql_16 = ''' SELECT a.uuid, b.sub_option_content FROM f_t_daren_score_2 a LEFT JOIN d_shangju_tiku_02 b ON a.testcase_id = b.testcase_id WHERE a.sub_question_id = b.sub_question_id AND ( a.score = b.score OR a.score = b.sub_option_id ) AND a.uuid = %s AND b.father_id = 249 AND a. STATUS = b. STATUS = 1 ''' # 答题人人群分类信息 sql_17 = ''' SELECT a.uuid, b.sub_option_id FROM f_t_daren_score_2 a LEFT JOIN d_shangju_tiku_02 b ON a.testcase_id = b.testcase_id WHERE a.sub_question_id = b.sub_question_id AND ( a.score = b.score OR a.score = b.sub_option_id ) AND a.uuid = %s AND b.father_id = 236 AND a.STATUS = b.STATUS = 1 ''' sql_18 = ''' DELETE FROM mvp_crowd_info_behavior WHERE crowd_info_id not IN ( SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(id) FROM mvp_crowd_info WHERE city_name = '上海市' AND age_area = '85后' AND STATUS = 1 ) ''' """ 数据debug SQL 1: SELECT, c.sub_question_id, c.content FROM bq_sub_option c WHERE c.father_id IN ( SELECT FROM bq_option a LEFT JOIN bq_question b ON a.question_id = WHERE a.serial_number ='FA001' AND b.serial_number = 'F00245' AND a. STATUS = 1 AND b. STATUS = 1 ) AND c.STATUS = 1 2: select id from bq_testcase where status = 1 and FIND_IN_SET(%s, question_ids) 3: SELECT count(1) FROM f_t_daren_score_2 a LEFT JOIN d_shangju_tiku_02 b ON a.sub_question_id = b.sub_question_id AND ( a.score = b.score OR a.score = b.sub_option_id ) AND a.testcase_id = b.testcase_id WHERE b.sub_option_id IN (1964,1965,1966,1967,1968,1969,1970,1971,1972) """ def __init__(self, path=None): self.shangju_db = MysqlDB('shangju') self.marketing_db = MysqlDB('bi_report') # self.shangju_db.truncate('mvp_standard_score') self.tag_data = ExcelUtil(file_name=path).init_mvp_data() self.crowd_info = ExcelUtil(file_name=path, sheet_name='选项-人群分类对应表').init_crowd_info() self.citys = self.init_city() self.age = self.init_age() self.people_sub_option_ids = self.crowd_contain_sub_option_ids = self.get_crowd_contain_sub_option_ids() self.module_scores = ExcelUtil(file_name='set-behavior-tag.xlsx', sheet_name='算法关系表').init_module_info() # self.scores_tag = ExcelUtil(file_name='行为与模块分值汇总.xlsx', sheet_name='行为').init_scores() # self.score_module = ExcelUtil(file_name='行为与模块分值汇总.xlsx', sheet_name='模块').init_scores() self.scores_tag = None self.score_module = None def close(self): self.shangju_db.close() self.marketing_db.close() def init_city(self): """ 获取答题数据中的城市。 :return: """ citys = ['上海市', '上海周边'] # citys_info = # citys.extend([x[0] for x in citys_info if x[0] is not None]) return citys def query_behavioral_info(self, city=None, age=None, crowd=None): """ 查询行为兴趣信息 :return: """ # datas = [] # for key in self.tag_data.keys(): # values = self.tag_data[key] # for value in values: # question = value[0].split('-')[0] # option = value[0].split('-')[1] # corr = value[1] # data =, [option, question]) # if len(data) > 0: # print([question, option, data[0][3], data[0][1], key, corr]) # datas.append([question, option, data[0][3], data[0][1], key, corr]) # self.shangju_db.truncate('mvp_question_classification') # self.shangju_db.add_some(self.sql_3, datas) scores_behavioral = self.city_age_crowd(city, age, crowd) # scores_module = self.module_score(crowd, city, age, scores_behavioral['score']) # result = {'行为兴趣分值': scores_behavioral['score'], '模块分值': scores_module} print('update finished!!!') return scores_behavioral def people_info(self): """ 答题人个人信息获取 :return: """ people_info_city = people_infos = [] for people in people_info_city: uuid = people[0] city = people[1] nld = people[2] sex = people[3] sub_option_ids_1 = people[4] testcaseid = people[5] if str(city).find('市') != -1: city = str(city).split('市')[0] + '市' if str(nld).find(',') != -1: nld_1 = list(str(nld).split(',')) if len(nld_1) > 0: nld = nld_1[0] else: pass crowd = [] if testcaseid: testcastids = list(map(int, str(testcaseid).split(','))) if len(testcastids) > 0: gt_75 = [x for x in testcastids if x > 74] if len(gt_75) > 0: # 从答题结果中获取城市信息 citys =, [uuid]) if len(citys) > 0: city = '上海市' if citys[0][1] == '一线' else '上海周边' # 根据用户子选项id集合,获取用户的人群分类 if len(gt_75) > 0: # 特定的测试人群分类从答题结果中获取 sub_option_ids =, [uuid]) for option in sub_option_ids: crowd_type = self.crowd_info_1.get(option[1]) if crowd_type: crowd.append(crowd_type) else: crowd.append('A') else: if sub_option_ids_1 is not None: crowd.extend(self.get_people_uuid_by_sub_option_ids(sub_option_ids_1)) if city is None: city = '上海市' people_info = PeopleInfo(uuid, city, nld, sex, crowd) people_infos.append(people_info) # people_infos.append([uuid, city, nld, sex, crowd]) return people_infos def people_filter(self, city, nld, crowd): uuids = [] for people in self.people_info_1: if == city and people.age == nld and crowd in people.crowd: uuids.append(people.uuid) return uuids def get_people_uuid_by_sub_option_ids(self, sub_ids): types = [] for key in self.crowd_contain_sub_option_ids.keys(): type_sub_option_ids = self.crowd_contain_sub_option_ids[key] sub_option_ids = list(map(int, str(sub_ids).split(','))) # list(set(a).intersection(set(b))) if len(list(set(sub_option_ids).intersection(set(type_sub_option_ids)))) > 0 and key not in types: types.append(key) return types def update_data(self): """ 定时更新分值 :return: """ self.insert_table = [] self.linshi_db = MysqlDB('linshi', db_type=1) for city in self.city_list: for age in self.age_list: for crowd in self.crowd: result = self.city_age_crowd(city, age, crowd) self.insert_score_to_db(result) print('{}数据关系完成...'.format(time.time())) def insert_score_to_db(self, scores): """ 行为、模块分数写入数据库 :return: """ ids = self.query_data() behavior_score = scores['behavior_score'] module_score = scores['module_score'] module_insert_sql = self.get_insert_sql('模块分数') if module_insert_sql: module_insert_data = [] for module in module_score: city_2 = module[0] age_2 = module[1] crowd_2 = module[2] module_name_2 = module[3] module_score_2 = module[4] for id in ids: city_1 = id[2] age_1 = id[1] crowd_1 = id[3] id_1 = id[0] if city_2 == city_1 and age_2 == age_1 and crowd_2 == crowd_1: module_insert_data.append([id_1, module_name_2, module_score_2]) # 先清空之前的数据 if len(module_insert_data) > 0: table_name = self.get_table_name('模块分数') if table_name is not None and table_name not in self.insert_table: self.linshi_db.truncate(table_name) self.linshi_db.add_some(module_insert_sql, module_insert_data) self.insert_table.append(table_name) print('模块分数更新完成...') for b_score in behavior_score: for key in b_score.keys(): insert_sql = self.get_insert_sql(key) if insert_sql: insert_data = [] score = b_score[key] for data in score: city = data[0] age = data[1] tag_name = data[2] crowd = data[3] tag_score = data[4] if key == '用户画像-行为兴趣' and city == '上海市' and age == '85后': pass else: for id in ids: city_1 = id[2] age_1 = id[1] crowd_1 = id[3] id_1 = id[0] if city == city_1 and age == age_1 and crowd == crowd_1: insert_data.append([id_1, tag_name, tag_score]) if len(insert_data) > 0: table_name = self.get_table_name(key) if table_name and table_name not in self.insert_table: if table_name == 'mvp_crowd_info_behavior': self.linshi_db.delete(self.sql_18) else: self.linshi_db.truncate(table_name) self.linshi_db.add_some(insert_sql, insert_data) self.insert_table.append(table_name) else: print('未找到对应的表,数据无法插入...') print('行为分数更新完成...') def module_score(self, crowd, city, age, scores): """ 模块分数计算 城市 年龄 人群分类 模块名称 分数 :return: """ # import json # print(json.dumps(scores, ensure_ascii=False)) modules = self.module_scores[crowd] result = [] for key in modules.keys(): values = modules[key] module_name = key score = 0 for value in values: behavioral_name = value[0] weight = float(value[2]) standard_score = [x[4] for x in scores if x[2] == behavioral_name] if len(standard_score) > 0: score += standard_score[0] * weight result.append([city, age, crowd, module_name, score]) return result # def insert_data(self, scores_behavioral, scores_module): def insert(self): """ 计算数据写入数据库中,供接口查看 :return: """ infos = [] for city in self.city_list: for age in self.age_list: for c_type in self.crowd: age_area = self.age_dict.get(age) if age_area: infos.append([age_area, city, c_type]) self.shangju_db.add_some(self.sql_11, infos) def query_data(self): ids = return ids def shanghai_85_module_score_insert(self): """ 上海市,85后模块分数计算 :return: """ result = [] for crowd in self.crowd: modules = self.module_scores[crowd] for key in modules.keys(): values = modules[key] module_name = key score = 0 for value in values: behavioral_name = value[0] weight = float(value[2]) # standard_score = [x[4] for x in scores if x[2] == behavioral_name] standard_score = float(value[1]) if standard_score is not None: score += standard_score * weight result.append(['上海市', '85后', crowd, module_name, score]) return {'score': result, 'data': self.module_scores} def tag_module_score_insert(self): """ 标签模块分数写入数据库 :return: """ ids = self.query_data() insert_data = [] insert_data_1 = [] for tag, module in zip(self.scores_tag, self.score_module): city = tag[0] age = tag[1] crowd = tag[2] tag_name = tag[3] tag_score = tag[4] city_2 = module[0] age_2 = module[1] crowd_2 = module[2] module_name_2 = module[3] module_score_2 = module[4] for id in ids: city_1 = id[2] age_1 = id[1] crowd_1 = id[3] id_1 = id[0] if city == city_1 and self.age_dict[age] == age_1 and crowd == crowd_1: insert_data.append([id_1, tag_name, tag_score]) if city_2 == city_1 and self.age_dict[age_2] == age_1 and crowd_2 == crowd_1: insert_data_1.append([id_1, module_name_2, module_score_2]) self.shangju_db.add_some(self.sql_12, insert_data) self.shangju_db.add_some(self.sql_13, insert_data_1) def init_age(self): """ 获取答题数据中的年龄 """ return ['95后', '85后'] # age_info = # # print([x[0] for x in age_info]) # return [x[0] for x in age_info if x[0] is not None] def city_age_crowd(self, city=None, age=None, crowd=None): data_start = [] result = [] module_scores = [] self.people_info_1 = self.people_info() if city is not None and age is not None and crowd is not None: print('获取指定城市,年龄段,人群类型的数据...') # people_uuids = self.get_people_uuid_by_type(crowd) people_uuids = self.people_filter(city, age, crowd) behavior_data = None if len(people_uuids) > 0: print('{}-{}-{}'.format(city, age, crowd)) datas = self.behavior_tag_init(city, age, people_uuids) data_start.append(datas) all_data, behavior_data_1 = self.calculation_standard_score(datas, city, age, crowd) result.append(all_data) behavior_data = behavior_data_1 if behavior_data: module_scores.extend(self.module_score(crowd, city, age, behavior_data)) # data_list = [] # for e in data_start: # for key in e.keys(): # values = e[key] # for sub_e in values: # ele = [key] # ele.extend(sub_e) # data_list.append(ele) # pass return {'behavior_score': result, 'module_score': module_scores} # return {'score': result, 'data': data_list} def scores(self): behavior_score = [] module_scores = [] for city in self.city_list: for age in self.age_list: for crowd in self.crowd: data = self.city_age_crowd(city, age, crowd) behavior_score.extend(data['behavior_score']) module_scores.extend(data['module_score']) return {'behavior_score': behavior_score, 'module_score': module_scores} def behavior_tag_init(self, city, age, people_uuids): result = {} self.group_type_count =, [people_uuids]) # 表名 for key in self.tag_data.keys(): values = self.tag_data[key] result_sub = {} # 标签 for key_tag_name in values.keys(): questions = values[key_tag_name] elements = [] for value in questions: question = value[0].split('-')[0] option = value[0].split('-')[1] corr = value[1] fz, fm = self.molecular_value(question, option, city, age, people_uuids) if fm == 0: c = 0 else: c = fz / fm elements.append([question, option, corr, fz, fm, c]) result_sub[key_tag_name] = elements result[key] = self.indicator_calculation_d_e(result_sub) return result def molecular_value(self, queston, option, city, age, people_uuids): # 获取当前父选项包含的子选项id和子题id列表 result =, [option, queston]) sub_option_ids = [] group_types = [] for rt in result: sub_option_id, sub_question_id, content = rt[0], rt[1], rt[2] grouptypes =, [sub_question_id]) for g_t in grouptypes: if str(g_t[0]) not in group_types: group_types.append(str(g_t[0])) sub_option_ids.append(sub_option_id) # 计算子选项在答题记录中的点击数 sub_options_count = 0 if len(sub_option_ids) > 0: result_1 =, [sub_option_ids, people_uuids]) sub_options_count = result_1[0][0] # 计算父选项包含的子选项对应的子题所在的测试gt包含的点击数。 denominator_value = 0 for info in self.group_type_count: if str(info[0]) in group_types: denominator_value += info[1] return sub_options_count, denominator_value def indicator_calculation_d_e(self, data): result = {} for key in data.keys(): values = data[key] c_list = [] for x in values: _x = x[5] if _x is not None and x != 0: c_list.append(_x) fm_list = [x[4] for x in values] sum_c = sum(fm_list) if len(c_list) == 0: min_c = 0 else: min_c = min(c_list) elements = [] for value in values: _value = [] c = value[5] if sum_c == 0: d = 0 else: d = c / sum_c e = c - min_c _value.extend(value) _value.append(d) _value.append(e) elements.append(_value) result[key] = elements return result def calculation_standard_score(self, datas, city, age, crowd_type): scores = {} for key_tag_type in datas.keys(): print(key_tag_type) tag_type_data = datas[key_tag_type] scores_sub = [] for key_tag in tag_type_data.keys(): key_tag_data = tag_type_data[key_tag] print(key_tag) print(' 父题序号 父选项序号 相关系系数 分子值 分母值 百分比 人数权重 偏离值') values = [x[5] for x in key_tag_data] min_c = min(values) f = min_c for value in key_tag_data: print(' {}'.format(value)) if value[2] is not None and value[7] is not None: f += float(value[2] * value[7]) print(' 标准分:{}'.format(f)) scores_sub.append([city, age, key_tag, crowd_type, f]) scores[key_tag_type] = scores_sub # self.shangju_db.add_some(self.sql_9, scores) return scores, scores['用户画像-行为兴趣'] def people_data(self): result = self.people_info() a = 0 b = 0 c = 0 d = 0 e = 0 f = 0 result_1 = [] for rt in result: crowds = rt.crowd if rt.uuid in [ 'ae9db26b-3606-497c-83c5-56341d487a91', '9fb33b6c-bd7a-4114-b225-3ee380943517', '84636488-1307-47fe-a238-4f9cf279a908', '4a5b6654-eb99-46ed-8dcf-777648d6baca', 'ba181da0-c91a-4430-84c6-9612a693f659', '32eae583-474c-4dca-8b36-d74314f45cee', 'b07f6ff2-ccd5-44ee-9b7c-b2e1f40d777f', '149a0e40-5639-4771-8a27-60821e14a1d5', '4795b731-3e75-4f08-90bc-8ee4a0c366c6', '4795b731-3e75-4f08-90bc-8ee4a0c366c6', '47cbd398-1c39-4dc0-8d97-98fe19457516']: result_1.append([rt.uuid,, rt.age, rt.crowd]) if 'A' in crowds: a += 1 if 'B' in crowds: b += 1 if 'C' in crowds: c += 1 if 'D' in crowds: d += 1 if 'E' in crowds: e += 1 if 'F' in crowds: f += 1 return result_1 # return {'A': a, 'B': b, 'C': b, 'D': d, 'E': e, 'F': f} def get_crowd_people(self): result = {} for type in self.crowd: uuids = self.get_people_uuid_by_type(type) result[type] = len(uuids) return result def get_people_uuid_by_type(self, type): uuids = [] type_sub_option_ids = self.crowd_contain_sub_option_ids[type] for people in self.people_sub_option_ids: uuid = people[0] sub_option_ids = list(map(int, str(people[1]).split(','))) # list(set(a).intersection(set(b))) if len(list(set(sub_option_ids).intersection(set(type_sub_option_ids)))) > 0 and uuid not in uuids: uuids.append(uuid) return uuids def get_crowd_contain_sub_option_ids(self): """ 获取ABCDEF人群包含的子选项id :return: """ infos = {} for key in self.crowd_info.keys(): values = self.crowd_info[key] sub_option_ids = [] for value in values: if value is not None: vals = str(value).split('-') option, question = vals[1], vals[0] query_result =, [option, question]) for qr in query_result: sub_option_id, sub_question_id, content = qr[0], qr[1], qr[2] sub_option_ids.append(int(sub_option_id)) infos[key] = sub_option_ids return infos if __name__ == '__main__': pass